Becoming an AVCC Member

Before becoming an official member of the Antelope Valley Corvette Club (AVCC), prospective members
must first meet the requirements described in the AVCC by-laws, which are found on our website.
Once the by-law requirements are met, we ask that the perspective member(s) attend at least 2 club activities,
one of which must be a regular scheduled business meeting held on the first Wednesday of every month.
Prospective member(s) are not obligated to join AVCC after attending 2 club activities, but are eligible.

When the prospective(s) member is ready to join, they must be voted in by the attending club members
at a regularly scheduled club business meeting. Once voted in, the member will be required to pay the AVCC club dues,
which are $36.00 per individual/$60.00 per couple. These are annual dues and are prorated after the month of April.
Also, due at that time are our national affiliated club dues for the National Council of Corvette Clubs (NCCC),
which are $35 per individual/$45 per couple. Antelope Valley Corvette Club is a 501(c)(3) Non Profit.

Attend a club meeting first Wednesday of the month, and attend another activity. Each month there is one social event
where we meet at a restaurant, come have some fun and good Corvette talk with the other members, if you are not
interested in dinner, just come and visit. In addition to our meeting, and social, there is an outing where we get to
drive our Corvettes to a location and participate in an activity. If you are interested in joining the club
you are invited to our monthly social and activity. Use the Contact Us link if you have a question.

Club Membership Form      Club Constitution and By-laws      Send AVCC an Email

2024 Club Officers

President - Shirley P
Co-Vice Presidents - Art and Joyce K
Secretary - Joel P
Treasurer - Pam P
Affiliate Club Representative - Susan B
News Letter Editor - Vacant
Sergeant at Arms - Jay T
Membership Chairperson - Richard P
Sunshine Chairperson - Diane G
Parade and Homecoming Chairperson - Vacant
Charity Coordinator - Pamela S
Web Master - Danny V

The Antelope Valley Corvette Club originated in 1969 and celebrated its 52nd birthday in 2021.  Our club has meetings on the 1st Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. at Gino's in Palmdale If you would like to eat dinner first, please come at 6:00.  Any potential new members are welcome to attend a meeting.  All new members must own a Corvette.